
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Skipping Town

So I was chewed out by my cousin Natalie for not blogging…..she’s always good for a swift kick in the butt ;) Thank you dear. I have a lot to be thankful for this past year and I need to make the time to document it for myself!

I had a rough last week. Work was very frustrating, and by Saturday evening I’d had enough~ I feel bad now for those customers who were unfortunate enough to come across me in my last hours of work. JK, I was decent…. I jokingly mentioned hopping in the car and getting out of town in hopes that it would remove me from my bad mood. Surprisingly Victor, my boyfriend, excitedly agreed we should and so we were off right after work. We went to Sioux Falls to do a little Christmas shopping and try a restaurant neither of us had ever tried before.

I entered the Magical world of Best Buy and was able to hold the Canon 5D Mark II in my hands for a few moments in time. *Sigh* ~Drool~...hold on let me clean that up....whatever it's useless, I'll just keep drooling. and saving!!! Victor thought he was going to have to pry the camera body from my hot little hands, but I was able to hand it over under my own power. (Not before I named it, kissed it, and promised it I would return for it!) Harrold’s Camera was fun too, and the people there were so nice! I will definitely go back to do business there as there is not a lot offered in A-town. Artz has always been nice and helpful, but Harrold’s actually had more product to hold and get a feel for before you buy.

Victor and I enjoyed a nice walk on one of the last really nice days in the fall, and I couldn’t resist snapping just a few pics of him. And I see he got one of me…I think I smell a second shooter in the making! WHAT?!?!?!?!?

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