
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ice Cream Paint Job

So I took my sister to a movie last weekend and before we went in we decided to leave our huge purses in the car and only take what we needed. While digging around in our gigantic suitcases we call purses and finding everything but what we were looking for I proposed that we have a contest to see which of us had the most random thing in our purse. Being the nice sister I am I let Amanda go first. She peered into her bag, took stock of her ammo, then looked back at me and nonchalantly states: “Hot Wheels.” Then she looks at me with a look like “what you got girl?” I look at her in disbelief until she pulls out three miniature sport cars, two with custom paint jobs. “You win.” Seriously, unless you are a 4 year old boy or a mother of a young boy, you shouldn’t have Hot Wheels in your purse, pocket, or suitcase! But that’s my sister for you. And who has time to paint them??? Apparently my sister’s teachers need to assign her more homework for study hall. Just kidding sister! Love you ~

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